Monday, 17 January 2011

A cheats post of Huevos revueltos

Wow, its been a manic couple of weeks. Good manic but manic. With two young kids I try to only work 3-4 days a week. Not so in January. Its been full on full time. THe kids are suffering, I am suffering (when did my knees become so decrepit? Must be the hours and hours of standing). And my new blog is suffering. 

So, I apologise for the re-hash, but here is a recipe I wrote to promote the British bean & pea growing season. Its on a scrambled egg theme (see my last blog post) with the rather more exotic Spanish name of Huevos revueltos. I know peas are not in season yet, but it is also wonderful with frozen peas, which are incidentally are staple in my house. 

And as I did it for work, it has the added bonus of a gorgeous professional picture taken by Mike Cooper.

Huevos revueltos with jamon serrano, peas & mint, served on sourdough toast
Serves 4
These luxury Spanish-style scrambled eggs are perfect for serving to friends as part of a lazy Sunday brunch.
8 eggs
200g shelled peas (approx 400g shell on weight)
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed 
2 tablespoons finely chopped mint
85g jamon Serrano, torn into strips (Parma ham is fine too)
Salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste
8 slices sourdough or ciabatta
What to do:

Cook the peas in boiling salted water for 3-4 minutes until just tender, drain and set aside.

In a heavy bottomed saucepan gently fry the garlic in the olive oil for 1 minute, taking care not to burn it. Add the cooked peas and the chopped mint, and season well with salt and pepper.

Add the egg and scramble until not quite set. Be careful not to over cook the egg as it will continue to cook when it is off the heat – this is not the time for rubbery eggs. Take off the heat and add the jamon serrano and stir briefly to mix though the egg.

Cook the toast, and butter generously. Spoon the egg over the toast and eat immediately, garnished with a little extra mint.

1 comment:

  1. This is gorgeous, and similar to a dish I eat quite regularly (sometimes with tofu instead of eggs). Tip for vegetarians - try sundried tomato in place of the ham. There is something special about the combo of peas and sundried tomato... to me, anyway.
