At last a new recipe post from me. I am on the home straight now with writing A Good Egg, the book that this blog has turned into, and have been a little focussed to say the least. A few days ago I received the next instalment of photos from the super talented photographer Jason Ingram and it prompted me to finally post something. And here it is, lemon curd. Possibly the easiest, and nicest, preserve ever invented?
You won’t believe how straightforward lemon curd is to make, just fling it all in a pan and warm it gently over a low heat until it thickens then pour into clean jars. Compared to the shop brought stuff, the taste is phenomenal and, like me, you’ll be cursing yourself you haven’t done it before. Provided you store it in sterilized jars and in the fridge it will last for several weeks. But to be honest I doubt it’ll be there for that long.
makes 3 jars
4 eggs
4 large lemons, juice & finely grated zest
370g caster sugar
250g unsalted butter, cut into 1cm cubes
1 tbsp cornflour
Begin by sterilizing 3 standard sized jam jars. Preheat the oven to 160°C. Wash both the jars and the lids in warm soapy water and rinse well. Shake off the excess water and stand in a baking tray. Slide into the oven and leave until they are completely dry.
Whilst the jars are sterilizing, add all the ingredients together in a heavy based saucepan. Set over a low heat and warm, whisking gently but pretty much continuously until it thickens. This should take around 10-15 minutes, give or take a minute here and there depending on the depth of your saucepan. You are looking for a consistency like natural yogurt. The lemon curd will thicken a little further on cooling.
Carefully pour the hot lemon curd into the clean hot jars and screw the lid on tightly. Once cold store in the fridge.
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